What the men are saying about Joshua's Men. 

Here are a few testimonials from men who have been a part of a Joshua's Men  group at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church in Arlington, TX.

Gerald D.

It has given me a chance to learn and grow as a participant. Then I got to learn and grow as a mentor in the year later. It also has given me sense of belonging and camaraderie with other men. I have a stronger sense of community because of Joshua's Men. Also Joshua's Men helps remind me of a greater sense of purpose in life besides work, chores, and paying the bills.

David o. 

Joshua's Men has filled a void of spiritual growth that is important in my whole development process. Having guys around that can understand Christian values and form that relationship that is continuous has been a blessing.

Sam G. 

In the words of my wife, “Joshua’s Men has changed me to want to become a better husband, father, teacher to all those I come in contact with.” It has developed a desire to develop a closer relationship with Jesus! With this, the want to have what have learned with others and see them grow. Joshua’s Men has made me a better Christian.

Genesis C.

Joshua’s Men has engaged me into not only mentoring other men, it has given me a strong desire to also mentor my children and brought my relationship closer to my wife and children. It has provided a strong band of brothers who I can call on from both spiritual and personal advice/discussion. We have been able to come together and get to know each other personally and also challenge each other be better leaders. It has felt good to lean on each other and pray together for strength and support to battle many of life’s challenges. It has made me more aware of reaching out and being involved/active in the lives of men in our church. It has drawn me closer to men who love Jesus, who have their own issues and challenges and be stronger because we’ve spent time together.

Elijah C.

Joshua’s Men has been truly a blessing in my life. Just ask my wife. This ministry I believe is needed in our church, community, city and world. More men like me need discipleship and spiritual guidance to help steer the ship of life in the right direction...The messages and principles in the books we read are life changing and beneficial. I praise God for Joshua’s Men and its my sincere prayer that is ministry prospers and have the opportunity to change more lives for the cause of the Kingdom.